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What are we doing?

We’re creating a movement called The Thriving Family Experience. It begins with a sea change in what affluent families worldwide expect and experience from their advisory relationships, and how advisors rise to the occasion to serve. In this relationship dynamic, individual family members flourish and families become stronger and more resilient, thereby leading to a thriving world.

What can families expect? 

The families we serve become clear about their unique and self-defined journey to becoming a thriving family in a thriving world. Some of the milestones that thriving families have experienced on their journeys include:

  1. Each family member knows, honors, and develops personal talents and resources, and understands how these resources are key contributors to the family’s success.
  2. The family recognizes communication dynamics, identifies unhealthy patterns or blind spots, and creates change where needed. 
  3. The family develops and documents a shared vision for bettering both themselves, and the communities they care about.
  4. The family’s planning (financial, legal, business, philanthropic, etc.) seamlessly integrates with:
    • the family’s purpose
    • the active fulfillment of their purpose
  5. Money is a tool for families to unleash and achieve their greatest potential, now and in future generations.