What is the Movement?

The Thriving Family Experience is a movement to create public consciousness regarding the important work we all do daily; a Movement in which families join hands with advisors making the message viral.

Why are you doing this?

For decades advisors have collaborated with fellow advisors regarding how to spread the word for the important work described on this website. Yet, for all our efforts, we still lack broad scale public consciousness. We believe it’s time to walk together and create public awareness directly with the families. We believe the most effective means is through a common voice. And we believe that families themselves are integral members of the Movement. 

What’s next?

If you share our passion, help us fuel The Thriving Family Experience Movement! Download our content and use it in your firm’s collateral materials. Feature the bug on your business cards and website. Share the content with as many people as possible – clients, colleagues, COIs, the press, schools, teachers, philanthropic boards – and ask them to share it with as many people as they can.

Is there any plan to create a certification or a trade association?

From the beginning, members of Council for Shared Leadership have grappled with notions of quality control and policing the use of the content on this site. We developed each word of the content asking ourselves, “could someone who’s faking it use this content and get away with it?” We came to two conclusions. Yes, they could try to fake it, and more likely their inability to follow through would become both intimidating and embarrassing.

In the spirit of creating a Movement, we have no plans to create barriers to entry such as certifications or trade associations. Instead, we’re taking the walls off, with a passion for getting this content into as many firms and families as possible.

Why a Movement?

Practitioners around the world have done great work family to family for decades. We’d like to suggest it’s time for all of us to play a bigger game together. To raise public consciousness with the families on a broader scale. And to garner their support in creating an elevated voice around The Thriving Family Experience. 

The Thriving Family Experience has the power to elevate everyone’s opportunities and experiences. Below is the status quo in the space vs. our vision of what it will be like when the movement is viral.


The Practitioner 

Limited reach
Singular voice
For the families
Man-to-man combat

The Movement

Unlimited reach
Many minds wide
With the families